I have to date entered all three of the Use the Muse contests, and cannot help but think that my experiences with all three contests have been so very different. I distinctly remember sending off for, and finally receiving the very first kit. I was quite excited as I knew it was going to be a challenge to even consider creating something from components I had not chosen myself. I feel now that I was a much 'younger' beader at that point, and know for sure, that given the same kit, I would do something very different today. The standard of the entries was awesome and the winning entry was inspiring and unique.
I was more prepared when it came to Use the Muse II and truly feel my entry was a worthy representation of my skills and abilities. I truly love the piece I created and am very proud of it. I grew SO much while working on this necklace. Once again the winning piece was just beautiful, and most worthy of the award. In fact I just totally enjoyed seeing all the entries!
And now here we are with just a few days to go to the publication of the Use the Muse III entries, and the announcement of the winner! The BIG REVEAL is truly my most favorite part of this contest! I just LOVe to see what others have managed to do with the same kit I myself received. I'm looking forward to seeing all the entries on December 17th.
This last Muse competition was a difficult one for me, as for whatever reason the beading was just not smooth going for me! I was happy with the concept, but actually working the piece was tough going. I was actually tempted to leave my entry unfinished and not enter it. I was under the weather as the deadline approached, but I pushed myself to finish the necklace and see it through, and felt happy to have accomplished even that much!
I'm sure the many entries will be just magnificent, as the Muse piece was very different and I'm sure inspired many beautiful designs. Roll on December 17th!
I just can't wait to see all the entries, too! There will again be so many amazing entries from so many talented beaders.